Got a New Brand Positioning? Go Full Throttle.

Businesses are certainly no stranger to transformation imperatives arising equally from complex situations as much as lackluster performance. And more often than not, leaders are needing to reframe their businesses, innovate their business models, find new ways to leverage insights to adapt to shifting landscapes and drive growth. Clarity, direction, and unity amid turbulent and tepid situations alike give rise to critical frameworks such as brand positioning which can act as a guiding beacon, create new market opportunities, and accelerate value creation.

Brand positioning is a critical element in the growth, resilience, or transformation strategy of any company. It refers to the way a brand is perceived in the minds of consumers, particularly relative to its competitors. Essentially, it defines how a brand differentiates itself and establishes a unique place in the hearts and minds of its target audience.

At its core, brand positioning encapsulates the DNA, the why of a brand— think about a North Star that embodies an organization’s values, attributes, and unique selling propositions. It’s the deliberate effort to carve out a distinct image, emotional connection, and perception that sets a brand apart from its competitors. Also, and importantly, it can and should be the springboard for all brand-related decisions and communication strategies, and often can serve as a lens for broader business decisions.

But before we go much further, let’s be clear on what brand positioning ISN’T: it’s not a tagline or your company’s mission, vision, promise, or value statements. While these elements are crucial components of a brand’s identity, brand positioning operates on a distinct level.

Mission, vision, and value statements outline a company’s purpose, goals, and principles but often lack the specificity and competitive differentiation that brand positioning provides. Brand positioning delves deeper into market analysis, consumer perceptions, and competitor landscapes to carve out a unique space, ultimately providing the foundation for all aspects of marketing and communication strategies. It serves as the basis upon which these statements align, ensuring consistency but operating at a more strategic and competitive level.

Here’s a great example: famously, Starbucks’ brand positioning is ‘The Third Place’ and refers to creating a welcoming environment beyond home (first place) and work (second place). It signifies a comfortable and sociable space where people can relax, socialize, and connect. Starbucks positions its stores as a community hub, fostering a sense of belonging and providing an inviting atmosphere for customers to linger, work, or socialize. This positioning emphasizes the brand’s commitment to being a go-to destination for individuals seeking a comfortable, welcoming setting outside their home and workplace. And it sets up a springboard for its marketing communications: “Life happens over coffee” is a direct offshoot of this positioning, for example.

And the Third Place is an emblematic example of how a brand positioning can transcend its traditional role in marketing and communications and inform broader business and operational decisions. Starbucks’ operations, for example, consumers can literally see ‘The Third Place’ positioning come to life through inviting store designs, comfortable seating, and community-focused initiatives. They offer free Wi-Fi, free use of their restrooms, welcoming atmospheres, and encourage patrons to linger, study, do business, and, of course, socialize. Their baristas (calculatedly called Partners) engage in conversations, fostering a sense of belonging. Additionally, Starbucks hosts events, like live music or local gatherings, and have mega flagship stores, taking their experiential branding to the next level and reinforcing the idea of being a community hub. This is all to say that the operational aspects align with their brand positioning, emphasizing Starbucks as a relaxed, inclusive space beyond home and work, where people can connect and unwind.

So fast forward: your business has made the brilliant decision to under go a brand positioning exercise and worked with an insanely talented group of brand strategists (ahem, like your friendly Taillight specialists). And now you’ve got a new brand positioning. So what next, you ask? Well, here’s a roadmap of potential next steps you can take to begin implementing your new positioning.

A fundamental springboard for marketing and communications

So, we’ve definitely made this point already but let’s delve into how to make it happen for your organization: start by strategizing how your positioning can align all messaging, visuals, and strategies with the core essence of its brand. Your understanding of your brand’s unique position in the market helps in crafting compelling narratives and targeted messages that resonate with the intended audience. The end result will be a consistent deployment of your positioning, holding your brand out not just in a unique spot in the market, but in the minds of your core audiences. And when we say consistency is key, we mean it because by reinforcing your brand’s values, attributes, and differentiation factors across marketing campaigns and external communications, you will create a cohesive and impactful brand presence.

Another consideration is how brand positioning guides the selection of appropriate channels and mediums for communication. Properly implemented, it should influence a brand’s visual identity, tone, and storytelling used in social media, messaging, advertising, and other marketing activities. This ensures that every single brand touchpoint reinforces the brand’s identity and strengthens its positioning in consumers’ minds, which has never been more critical.

Additionally, by integrating the brand’s positioning into external communications, such as public relations efforts or partnerships, companies can further solidify their market position and credibility. Consistent messaging aligned with the brand’s unique position helps build trust, loyalty, and recognition among consumers, ultimately fostering a deeper connection and resonance with the target audience.

Recruiting and HR policies

Brand positioning can also bear significant influence on recruiting and HR policy decisions by shaping the organizational culture and attracting like-minded individuals who resonate with the brand’s values. A great example is Zappos, known for its customer service and unique company culture, embodies this relationship between brand positioning and HR.

Zappos’ brand positioning, ‘Delivering Happiness’, is centered around providing exceptional customer service and a fun, vibrant workplace. To align with this, the company’s HR policies prioritize hiring individuals not just for skills but also for cultural fit, valuing traits like creativity, passion, and a customer-centric mindset during recruitment.

Their HR policies often involve unique practices, like offering money for new hires to leave if they feel they’re not a good fit. This unconventional approach screens out those not aligned with the brand’s ethos while attracting candidates who appreciate Zappos’ culture. Moreover, Zappos’ emphasis on employee empowerment and encouragement to express individuality aligns with their brand positioning, fostering an environment that nurtures creativity, autonomy, and innovation among its employees.

So once a new positioning has been developed, it’s a great opportunity to revisit how HR and recruiting policies align with it and potentially how they could be reframed to create recruiting, retention and people strategies that foster a cohesive and vibrant culture.

Driving cultural alignment

And on the subject of culture, brand positioning plays a pivotal role in shaping a business’s culture by providing a compass for shared values and behaviors among employees. Because a well-defined brand positioning acts as a North Star, guiding the company’s internal dynamics, it cultivates a sense of unity and purpose, aligning employees toward a common goal while nurturing a cohesive and vibrant work environment–a rallying cry, if you will. This is a particularly helpful tool in the context of mergers and acquisitions, but that’s a whole ‘nother article we’ll have to write at some point!

But, back to the point: this alignment occurs through the reinforcement of brand values and mission. When brand positioning resonates internally, it ensures a more cohesive and harmonious team, reducing conflicts and fostering a unified commitment to the business’ vision. Additionally, a strong brand positioning instills a sense of pride and ownership among employees. It empowers them to embody the brand’s values in their daily work, fostering innovation, and encouraging a proactive mindset. This shared understanding of the brand’s essence leads to increased engagement, collaboration, and a positive workplace culture where employees feel motivated, valued, and committed to contributing to the brand’s success. Ultimately, brand positioning can serve as the cornerstone for cultivating a thriving and aligned organizational culture.

A great example of this is Apple. Positioned as an innovation-driven disruptor, Apple’s brand ethos deeply shapes its internal environment. The emphasis on innovation and design excellence attracts like-minded talent, fostering a culture that values creativity, risk-taking, and forward-thinking. This aligns with Apple’s brand promise of groundbreaking products. The sleek office design reflects the brand’s ethos, creating a workspace that encourages collaboration and innovation. Ultimately, Apple’s brand positioning resonates within its culture, driving employees to embody the brand’s values and contribute to its ongoing success as a tech leader.

A framework for general business decisions

Brand positioning can also serve as a guiding force for various business decisions, such as potential acquisitions and policy implementations. In the case of acquisitions, for instance, brand positioning can be leveraged as a framework by which to ensure alignment with the company’s values and strategic direction. It helps evaluate whether an acquisition complements the existing brand, expanding its offerings or market presence while maintaining consistency with the established brand identity.

Moreover, brand positioning influences business policies beyond HR, like customer service standards or sustainability initiatives. For instance, it guides decisions on customer service approaches, ensuring they align with the brand’s image of exceptional service. Similarly, in embracing sustainability, a brand committed to eco-friendliness would adopt policies and practices that reflect its environmental values, reinforcing its brand positioning.

When entering new markets or developing products, brand positioning steers decisions, influencing product development, market approaches, and even pricing strategies. This ensures coherence with the brand’s image and resonance with the intended audience, thus guiding business decisions towards maintaining and strengthening the brand’s desired positioning in the market.

A notable example of brand positioning positively impacting business decisions can be seen in the case of Nike. Nike’s brand positioning as a company that inspires and empowers athletes has consistently guided its business decisions. Essentially, victory.

In product development, the creation of high-performance, technologically advanced sportswear and footwear aligns with its positioning of providing products that enhance athletic performance. This focus on innovation has consistently guided Nike’s product strategies, ensuring that its offerings resonate with its target audience and reinforce its brand positioning.

Another compelling example illustrating how brand positioning impacts business decisions is the case of Volvo. Volvo’s brand positioning has long centered around safety, emphasizing its commitment to building some of the safest cars on the road.

This positioning significantly influences Volvo’s business decisions. For instance, when developing new car models, Volvo places a strong emphasis on incorporating cutting-edge safety features and technologies. Their decisions in research, development, and engineering prioritize safety innovations, aligning with their brand promise of providing secure vehicles for consumers.

And a final point is that consistent implementation of brand positioning across all facets of a business profoundly impacts brand equity. Clear and unwavering brand positioning ensures that the brand’s identity, values, and promises are consistently communicated and delivered to consumers. This consistency fosters greater brand recognition, as consumers easily identify and remember the brand.

Also, a consistent brand positioning strategy enhances the perceived value of the brand. When customers consistently experience the brand’s promised attributes – be it quality, reliability, or innovation – it reinforces a positive perception of the brand’s worth. Consistency in brand positioning also cultivates customer loyalty and trust. Consumers develop a sense of confidence and reliability when the brand consistently delivers on its promises, fostering stronger connections and encouraging repeat investments.

Lastly, a well-implemented brand positioning strategy sets the brand apart from competitors (as brands routinely fall short on this), establishing a unique identity and providing a competitive advantage. This differentiation, along with emotional connections formed through consistent brand experiences, solidifies the brand’s position in consumers’ minds, contributing significantly to building and strengthening brand equity over time.

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